Follow all the latest news from AMLUX, with special offers on products on sale in the online store, as well as industry information in the field of lighting engineering, participation in fairs and much more!
10 September 2024
Halloween Special
"Trick or Treat?" In recent years, celebrating Halloween has become an increasingly widespread tradition and every year thousands of themed parties are planned for the occasio...
Versatility and control: the key words for successful lighting
News from Prolights with the new ECLDisplay CRMX series which opens the doors to programming and controlling projectors via wireless via RDM for unprecedented flexibility in a...
Quality is not enough. Professionals in the sector often have low budgets that means that they have to find the best solution between quality and price. With the aim of being ...
There are many advantages that have led Teclumen to create the new 24V versions!
Among these we have:
operating temperature lower
less voltage loss
higher light outp...
The world of entertainment knows! For the success of an event, light plays a fundamental role and the choice of entertainment technicians and lighting designers has always fal...
Goodbye to compact fluorescent tubes, bulbs and halogen capsules
Due to the amendment of the European directive EcoDesign 2009/125/CE of 2009 on dangerous substances in electronic equipment, during 2023 products such as neon tubes, compact ...
There had been rumors for several months about the possibility of Tungsram Group plants closing down, but until the last, it was hoped that it was just a rumor. Unfortunately,...
Twinkly Pro: the new frontier of architectural lighting
The world of architecture is always on the move and attentive to the needs of its users. It is precisely with companies and professional lighting installations in mind that Tw...