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Privacy Policy

Information on the processing of personal data

In accordance to the Article 13 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of personal data (hereafter "GDPR" or "Regulation"), the Data Controller informs about the processing of personal data carried out through the website (hereafter "this site" or "the website"). According to the law, the processing of personal data will be based on principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of privacy and personal rights.
Detailed informations on the processing of personal data are given in the sections relating to the various services offered, where limits and methods of data processing are defined for each service, based on which visitors can freely express their consent and authorize the collection of data and their subsequent use.
Please note that this privacy policy applies to this website and not to other websites that may be consulted by the user through the navigation from the links on the site, for which you refer to the information provided by the other sites regarding their privacy management.

Holder of the treatment

Amlux Srl with registered office in Via Belgio, 11/13 - 46042 Castel Goffredo (Mn), is the Data Controller for the processing of personal data collected and obtained from this website and determines how the data will be stored and who may have access to information collected from the website.

Nature of the processed data and processing purposes

Technical navigation data

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, during their normal operation, some data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This category of data includes: the IP addresses, the type of browser used, the operating system, the domain name and the addresses of websites from which access was made or exit, the information on the pages visited by users within the site, access time, internal route analysis and other parameters related to the operating system and the user's computer environment. These technical / informatic data are collected and used exclusively in a collective and non-identifying manner and could be used to verify responsibility in case of hypothetical IT crimes damaging the site. The collected data will be used to:

• technical management of the services provided,
• anonymous statistical analysis of the traffic generated and the pages visited.

The data will be stored in compliance with the principles of lawfulness, purpose limitation and data minimization, in accordance to art. 5 of the GDPR; the retention period of your personal data is established for the time necessary to fulfill the specified purposes.

Data from the module REGISTER/LOGIN

The creation of a user account is mandatory for access to the reserved area of the customer, it is optional to make purchases directly on the website via the e-commerce platform.
The following mandatory data are required for registration: name and surname, e-mail, telephone, password; it is requested to specify whether the user is a private citizen (natural person) or a company / professional (legal person).

For the issuance of the sales document (tax receipt or invoice) the tax code and the postal address are required (for legal entities the company name and VAT number are also required). It is also possible, as an optional data, to enter a shipping address different from the billing address.

The provided data will be used for the following purposes:

• Register and administer the user's account;
• Allowing access to the reserved area of the website;
• Manage the electronic shopping cart of the items purchased by the customer.

The data will be stored in compliance with the principles of lawfulness, purpose limitation and data minimization, in accordance to art. 5 of the GDPR, for the duration of the contract stipulated with the user, will be canceled upon termination or withdrawal from the contract and the user will no longer be able to access his reserved area.

Data from the module BILLING AND SHIPPING

In this page are collected all necessary data to complete the online purchase and to inform Amlux where to send the purchased articles: no data or payment related to the user's payment method, credit cards, or other data or information are required or processed to electronic transactions.

For the issuance of the sales document (tax receipt or invoice) are required the following mandatory data: name and surname, complete postal address, fiscal code, email, phone number. It is required to specify whether the user is a private citizen (natural person) or a company / professional (legal person). For legal person is required also the name of the company and VAT number.
It is also possible, as an optional data, to enter a shipping address different from the billing address.

The data provided will be used for the following purposes:
• Issuing mandatory documents for sale;
• Organize the shipment of the goods.
The data will be kept for the time specified by the Italian legislation on the conservation of fiscal and accounting documents relating to sales.

Data from the module CONTACTS

Through is it possible to send requests for information or prices for our products. The following mandatory data are collected: name and surname, e-mail; the user can add other optional data such as city, phone, company name.
The data will be used for the purposes:
• Provide the requested information to the person who has sent the require.
The data will be stored in compliance with the principles of lawfulness, purpose limitation and data minimization, in accordance to art. 5 of the GDPR, for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were transmitted.

Subscription to the NEWSLETTER

In addition to user registration, is it possible to subscribe to the periodic newsletter that Amlux sends to its subscribers. The registration is optional, it is required to the user the specific consent for this treatment and are used the same data provided for the registration of the user: name and e-mail address and will be used for the purposes:
• Periodic sending of the newsletter mail with information and updates on products and services, discounts and promotions.
The data will be kept for the validity period of the user's registration and will be deleted within thirty days from the request for cancellation by the user.


Our Cookie Policy is available at this LINK


In general the personal data of customers are collected through the website and through the e-commerce platform will be used with the following purposes:

  • Sale of products and / or services;
  • give timely execution of the obligations arising in the pre-contractual and contractual phases;
  • fulfill, execute or demand the fulfillment of specific obligations or perform specific tasks provided for by laws, regulations and / or Community regulations always for the sole purpose of managing the contract;
  • protect all the mutual rights arising from the negotiations and / or from the stipulation of the contract itself;
  • to carry out the economic activity in compliance with current regulations regarding company and industrial secrecy;
  • statistical purposes;
  • Direct marketing: sending, by e-mail, communications regarding the direct marketing of the Company for products and / or services similar to those previously contracted;
  • give information and reviews on products and services;
  • Allow the correct navigation of the website through cookies and other technical navigation data.


Legal basis of the processing and Mandatory nature of the contribution:

We inform you that the legal basis of the processing is:

  1. Execution of a contract to which the data subject is party or pre-contractual measures taken at the request;
  2. Compliance with legal obligations also deriving from the execution of the contract;
  3. Specific, free and informed consent when required for data collection with purposes other than contractual or simple navigation.
  4. Protection of a legitimate interest in an optimized marketing activity for our offers (Recital No. 47 of the GDPR).

The provision of the requested data is mandatory for the contractual purposes and for legislative and regulatory obligations, it may be optional for other purposes. Failure, partial or incorrect conferment of the requested data will make impossible for the Owner to execute the contract and the consequent fulfillment of the related legislative and regulatory obligations, in addition to precluding the adequacy of the treatment itself.

Acquisition of the consent of the interested party
The consent, free, informed and specific, is required for the data collected in the form of the pages "Contacts", "Subscription to the newsletter" and "Registration / Login" for the specified purposes. The consent is given by the interested subject by means of a "special box" and the sending of data is not possible without prior consent, which is recorded and stored by the Data Controller for the purposes of exhibition at the request of the person concerned or the Authority.


Method of processing

  1. The treatment will be carried out with manual and / or computerized and telematic tools, with organizational and processing logics strictly related to the purposes themselves and in any case in order to guarantee the security, integrity and confidentiality of the data in compliance with organizational, physical and logics measures provided by the provisions in force.

  2. The processing can inlcude an automated decision-making process, in accordance to GDPR art. 22, par 1 and 4.

Communication and diffusion of data

  • personal data will be processed only by persons authorized by the Data Controller, including third parties expressly appointed as Data Processors pursuant to art. 28 of the GDPR, the data are not disclosed in any way.
  • for the purposes indicated, your data will be communicated exclusively to competent and duly appointed persons for the performance of the services necessary for the proper management of the relationship, with a guarantee of protection of the rights of the interested party:
  • Companies, consultants and freelancers, also in associated form;
  • Banks and credit institutions, insurance and / or credit recovery companies;
  • Forwarders, Post Offices, Logistics Companies.
  • Public and / or private subjects for whom the communication of data is mandatory or necessary in compliance with legal obligations or for the administration of the relationship.
  • For the specified purposes, personal data can be transferred within the European Economic Area and towards the USA or towards an extra-EU country. USA are considered "appropriate country" by the European Commission in accordance to art. 45 of the GDPR.


Conservation Period

Data are processed for the entire duration of the contractual relationship and for the previous period prior to the establishment of the same; as well as, after the termination of the relationship, within the terms of prescription of the rights and / or within the terms of the law provided for by tax law. Read the information in the individual sections relating to the various services offered where the respective retention times of the data processed are specified.


Exercise of the rights of the data subject

Except for the limitations set by the same regulation, the interested subject could exercise at any time the following rights in accordance to articles from 15 to 22 of GDPR:

  1. access to personal data; adjustement; cancellation; processing limitation; opposition to treatment; data portability;
  2. revocation of consent, where provided: the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the treatment based on the consent granted before the revocation;
  3. information about the automated process connected to profiling;
  4. complaint to the control authority, at the Privacy Guarantor or any other similar and equivalent European authority.
  5. To exercise their rights, the interested party must contact:
Amlux Srl Via Belgio, 11/13, 46042 Castel Goffredo (Mn) - 
mail: - PEC: